Search for God: Intro to OCIA
"Oh God, you are highly to be praised... You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You." - St. Augustine
For more information, please contact John Shakal (
More information on the Search for God
Welcome to Search for God, an enriching and personal program for individuals seeking a welcoming community, answers about faith and life, and an introduction to the richness of Catholic Christianity. No preparation or commitment to become Catholic is required, and you are welcome to come with questions or quietly observe if you wish. Come as you are, with an open mind and heart.
Search for God quick info:
- Who: for individuals who are not baptized and seeking baptism, baptized Christian but seeking to become Catholic, or baptized Catholic but not confirmed.
- When: meets weekly (starting 2/27/23) on Monday nights at 6:30pm. In September, those who wish to enter OCIA and become Catholic transition to the OCIA group.
- Where: The Goldsmith Coffee Bar, 22 S Prairie St., Chippewa Falls WI.
Begin your search
Becoming Catholic (OCIA)
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you have a friend or loved one who is thinking about joining the Church? Please contact John Shakal ( with any questions or to join our OCIA process.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process for individuals to become members of the Catholic Church. It is a spiritual journey that culminates in the reception of the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Along the way, participants build their relationship with Jesus Christ and become His disciples by:
• deepening their understanding of the faith and the Church
• experiencing the support and fellowship of the parish community
• encountering Christ in the liturgy, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation
• developing their prayer life
Groups who might attend OCIA sessions include:
• Unbaptized individuals and families considering joining the Church through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist
• Adults baptized in another Christian tradition seeking full communion in the Church through Confirmation and Holy Eucharist
• Baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Eucharist
Classes meet Monday's from September through the Easter season, 6:30-8 p.m., and then intermittently through the summer. All are welcome!
Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC)
We are all at different points on the journey and a one size faith formation program does not fit all. That is why we are offering this program that is meant for those who are new to the faith or have been out of practice for some time. The program compliments our existing religious education program for children and teens.
This one-year program includes preparation for children and teens to receive their sacraments, and educational components for parents.
A Baptism experience for families that desire to be part of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.
A first Reconciliation family experience focusing on God’s love for us, the origin of sin, and God's plan of reconciliation.
A First Holy Communion family experience that explores the beauty of the Eucharist and follows the structure of the Mass.
A Confirmation family experience focusing on developing spiritual gifts and a life of discipleship.
Classes meet on Mondays from 6:30-8pm. All are welcome, and childcare is available.
Please contact Michelle Farrow at with any questions or to join our OCIC process. We are praying for you!