
Like all the sacraments, Confirmation is a moment of encounter with Jesus Christ. When you are confirmed you are joined more closely to Christ and are more fully conformed to Him. The particular gift of this sacrament is a deepening of life in the Holy Spirit and a readiness to be a soldier for Christ.
The model for Confirmation is Pentecost (Acts 2). Jesus chose Twelve Apostles and commissioned them to carry on His work after His death and resurrection. Even after they were thoroughly convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead, their fear made them ill-equipped to carry on His work. The giving of the Spirit responded to that need.
The usual time for Catholics in the Diocese of La Crosse to be confirmed is in their 16th year. Annually our parishes host a Confirmation program for our young people. Learn more about your child's Confirmation at
Adults who have been baptized but somehow missed being confirmed can contact the Our Lady of the Falls Administration Office.